Signs of Mildew Poison
Flu-like Symptoms
A person who has flu-like symptoms could have mildew poisoning. Flu symptoms such as a cold, fever or bad cough could be signs that a person has been exposed to toxic and life-threatening conditions. Other flu-like symptoms includes watery or itching eyes, throat irritation and sneezing. The amount of mold that is present is a factor that determines how your body reacts to the mold as well as your sensitivity to mold. The elderly, immune-suppressed individuals and infants are at a greater risk, and their reaction is worse when they have been exposed to mildew poison. With infants, a symptom of mildew poisoning is bleeding of the lungs, excessive coughing and nose bleeds that occur without injury.
Someone who is having serious allergic reactions should consult with a physician because she may be suffering from mold poisoning. These allergic reactions include headaches, skin irritation, dizziness, difficulty in concentration, decreased attention span, respiratory difficulties and other common allergies. These allergic reactions can occur when a person has been exposed to large amounts or quantities of mycotoxins, which can be produced by mold and mildew. These symptoms are not a sure way of knowing that a person is suffering from mildew poisoning, but if these symptoms are increasingly occurring and chronic, the individual should contact a physician to see if he is suffering from mildew poisoning.
Other Symptoms
Other symptoms include excessive weight loss, an irregular heart beat, brittle nails, temporary loss of fingerprints, joint muscle stiffness, seizures, infertility, miscarriage, changes in menstrual cycle, night sweats, numbness in the face, cancer, bruising or scarring easily and chronic fatigue. Individuals who have been exposed to mildew poisoning can also have hypersensitivity or anaphylaxis. These symptoms should not be taken lightly because different symptoms have different effects on each individual. People who do not treat these symptoms can die from mildew poisoning.