How to Keep Poison Oak Out of the Eyes

Poison oak is a plant that can cause severe allergic reactions in humans. If the oil of the poison oak plant gets on your skin and is not immediately washed off, a reaction can begin to occur in as little as 12 hours. Poison oak can be identified by the three leaflets on each leaf. They may even appear a little fuzzy. These leaves turn yellow and brown in the fall. If you find you have touched this plant, you will want to take some precautions so the oil doesn't spread to your eyes and cause them to swell up.

Things You'll Need

  • Dish soap
  • Acne pads
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      Keep your hands away from your face. If the oil doesn't reach your face, you won't have to worry about the poison oak spreading to your eye.

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      Wash your hands in dish soap. Do this all day so you don't accidentally scratch your eye and get the oil from the poison oak in it. Dish soap is better at removing oil than regular soap, so it should be used during a poison oak outbreak.

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      Wipe your face with acne pads. This will help remove any of the poison oak oil that may be on your face. It also will dry up any rashes that have already broken out. Do this several times throughout the day so the oil doesn't spread to your eyes.

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      Wash your pillow case daily in hot water and detergent to get rid of the oils.

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