How to Treat Mercury Toxicity

Mercury is the second-most toxic element in the world. There are three types of mercury that cause mercury toxicity: elemental, inorganic and organic mercury. Elemental mercury can be found in dental fillings, inorganic can be found in batteries and organic or methylmercury is found in seafood. There is no safe amount of mercury for humans. Mercury toxicity affects the nervous system, cardiovascular system, immune system and reproductive system. It also affects the fetus if the mother has mercury toxicity during pregnancy. Symptoms include vision impairment, numbness, lack of coordination, speech impairment, muscle weakness, memory loss and mental disturbance, among others.

Things You'll Need

  • ¼ to ½ tsp lactobacilli strain or bacterial digestive
  • ¼ tsp chlorella powder or 500 mg tablet
  • 3 Cloves garlic
  • Vitamin and mineral supplements
  • 1 to 6 Capsules of Betaine hydrochloride
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      Avoid sugar and milk and keep the ingestion of processed foods at a minimum. Eat a lot of protein.

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      Take lactobacilli or other bacterial supplement for digestion daily. Maintain two to three bowel movements daily. Take several teaspoons of freshly ground flax seed to help move things along. You should also take chlorella in powder or tablet form daily. The dosage given in the "what you need" list is for a 150-lb adult. Divide the amount according to your weight.

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      Eat garlic, up to three cloves, daily to up your sulfur stores. Sulfur helps remove mercury from your body.

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      Take vitamin and mineral supplements for magnesium, sodium, zinc and other minerals, plus vitamin C and E, according to the package's direction for quantity.

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      Take Betaine hydrochloride with the first bite of every meal.

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