Detoxification From Aspartame Poisoning
Green Clay
Green clay is traditionally used in Europe as an internal detoxifier. It absorbs and carries aspartame and other poisons out of the body. After the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl, chocolate with green clay was given to those exposed to radiation. Constipation, diarrhea, or stomach cramping may occur; start with small amounts (1/2 tsp or less) and increase slowly to one tablespoon daily.
A daily B-100 Complex will help nerve tissues rebuild and repair. Add 50mg niacin with a meal, increasing the dose by 50mg daily up to 500mg per day. As niacin levels build, aspartame and other toxin levels fall, flushed out of the body by the bloodstream. A hot, itchy sensation lasting approximately 20 minutes after taking niacin is normal, it is a sign that the vitamin is working to increase circulation. Consult a physician before using niacin if you have liver disease.
Vitamin C should be taken to increase bowel tolerance. This means that individual therapeutic doses will vary, but are easily determined by taking 1,000mg of vitamin C hourly, keeping track of how much is taken, until saturation causes loose stools. When the body has as much vitamin C as it can use, any excess is eliminated by the bowels. Subtract 1,000mg from the amount taken to reach saturation and that is the individual's therapeutic daily dose.
Digestive Enzymes
The body produces specific enzymes to digest types of food. Starches require one enzyme, proteins another, and different sugars need other special enzymes. Fresh raw vegetables, nuts and seeds contribute enzymes to the body; if the diet lacks these, enzymes become depleted with age. In order to complete digestion, especially when combination foods are eaten, digestive enzymes can be supplemented. Purchase a product containing papain, bromelain (from papaya and pineapple), as well as amylase, lactase and lipase (pancreatic) enzymes. Follow manufacturer's directions. Digestive enzymes will not only help to break down foods when taken with meals, but they also enter the bloodstream to dissolve particles like aspartame that do not belong there. Note: whole fresh fruit contains enzymes but eating fruit with other foods causes fermentation. Only supplemental enzymes should be taken with food. Enjoy fresh fruit on an empty stomach.