What Are the Side Effects of Activated Charcoal Tablets?
Allergic Reaction
If you are taking this drug to treat conditions such as gas, diarrhea, upset stomach or high cholesterol, it is possible that you may experience an allergic reaction to activated charcoal. Symptoms of a severe allergic reaction include chest pain, difficulty breathing, hives, rash and itching, states drugs.com. Other symptoms include swelling of the mouth, face, lips and tongue. Contact your doctor immediately if you experience any of these.
Side Effects: Gastrointestinal
Gastrointestinal side effects are common in those being treated with activated charcoal tablets. Drugs.com explains that those treated with charcoal due to poisoning have vomited and had small bowel obstruction. Charcoal is tasteless and can coat the tongue, mouth and throat, thus patients have experienced a chalk-like taste in their mouths. Black colored stools, nausea and stomach pain have also been reported, informs drugs.com. In more serious cases, puncturing of the GI tract has occurred.
Side Effects: Metabolic/Respiratory
Metabolic side effects usually occur when charcoal and sorbitol are combined, explains drugs.com. Sorbitol is a sugar alcohol that is slowly metabolized by the body. Patients using charcoal multiple times may experience high sodium counts, as well as high magnesium counts. In serious cases, drugs.com explains that dehydration and shock have been reported. Respiratory side effects include a formation of pus in the chest cavity (empyema), inflammation of the bronchiols and Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome.
Additonal Side Effects
Further side effects may occur and can be quite serious. It has been reported that patients who get charcoal in their eyes can have corneal abrasions, explains drugs.com. Be sure to clean your hands and not touch your eyes while handling charcoal tablets. Variegate porphyria may also occur, according to drugs.com. Symptoms of this condition include lesions on the skin, increased urination and elevated levels of plasma porphyrins.
Drug3k.com and drugs.com tell patients to not take any allergy medications or dietary medications while being treated with activated charcoal. Mixing these medications can increase the risk of adverse effects. Speak with your doctor if you have any gastrointestinal problems such as bleeding, if you are pregnant or if you are allergic to any drugs. In these cases, you may not be able to use activated charcoal or your dose may need to be adjusted.