Symptoms of Vitamin D Toxicity

Vitamin D toxicity is also known as hypervitaminosis, and it is a condition that occurs after taking excessive amounts of vitamin D. Symptoms of vitamin D toxicity are constipation, fatigue, irritability, decreased appetite and dehydration.
  1. Constipation

    • Constipation is a lack of regular bowel movements or difficulty passing stools or hard stools. Constipation at times causes pain during the passage of bowel movement.


    • Fatigue is when you feel a lack of energy and motivation and also having a feeling of weariness and tiredness.


    • Irritability is a response to excessive stimulus, or anything that can trigger a physical or behavioral change internally or externally.

    Decreased Appetite

    • A decreased appetite occurs when you have a reduced desire to eat despite the body's basic caloric, or energy, needs.


    • Dehydration is when your body has a lack of water and fluids, and it can be caused by not drinking enough water or fluids or by losing too many fluids through excessive sweating.

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