Should You Sterilize Your Bottles?
How should you sterilize your bottles?
There are several different ways to sterilize baby bottles, including boiling, using steam methods such as electric sterilizers or microwave steam sterilizer bags, and using a cold water chemical solution. Here is a brief description of each method:
* Boiling: This is the traditional method for sterilizing baby bottles. Fill a pot with enough water to submerge all the bottles, nipples, and other equipment, and bring it to a boil. Boil for 5 minutes, then turn off the heat and let the items sit in the water for an additional 5 minutes. Remove the items from the pot with tongs, and let them air dry on a clean surface.
* Electric sterilizers: These sterilizers use heat to create steam, which kills bacteria. Simply place the bottles, nipples, and other equipment in the sterilizer, and it will do the work. Electric sterilizers can be found in most major retailers.
* Microwave steam sterilizer bags: These bags are filled with water, and then placed in the microwave. The microwaves will heat the water and create steam, which will sterilize the items inside the bags. Microwave steam sterilizer bags can be found in most major retailers.
* Cold water chemical solution: This method uses a chemical solution to kill bacteria. Follow the directions on the product label to create the solution, and then submerge the bottles, nipples, and other equipment in the solution for the recommended time. Remove the items from the solution, and let them air dry on a clean surface.
You should also wash all bottle-feeding equipment thoroughly with hot soapy water and rinse it well before and after each use.
When should you stop sterilizing your bottles?
The AAP recommends sterilizing all bottle-feeding equipment until your baby is 12 months old. After that, you can stop sterilizing them, but you should still wash them thoroughly with hot soapy water and rinse them well before and after each use.
Do you need to sterilize pacifiers and baby spoons?
Yes, these items should also be sterilized before you give your baby them for the first time. You can sterilize them using boiling, steam, or cold water chemical solution as described for baby bottles above.
It is important to follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer of the sterilizer or the sterilizing method you choose to use. This will help to ensure that the items are properly sterilized and safe to use for your baby.