What do you when drink something toxic?
Call Emergency Services:
- If the substance you ingested is known to be toxic or if you're experiencing severe symptoms, call emergency services immediately.
Identify the Toxin:
- If possible, try to identify the substance you consumed and its potential toxicity by checking the packaging or doing a quick internet search.
Do Not Induce Vomiting:
- Unless specifically instructed by a medical professional, do not induce vomiting unless you've been told to do so. This may worsen the situation by causing further irritation or introducing the toxin into the lungs.
Drink Water:
- If the toxin is not corrosive, you may be advised to drink water to help dilute the substance in the stomach. However, follow the instructions of the emergency operator.
Avoid Alcohol:
- Do not consume alcohol as it can worsen the toxicity of certain substances and complicate treatment.
Save the Substance:
- If possible, keep a sample of the toxic substance or the container it came in. This can be helpful for medical professionals in identifying the exact toxin and determining the appropriate treatment.
Seek Medical Attention:
- Even if your symptoms seem mild, it's essential to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Medical professionals can assess your condition, provide appropriate treatment, and monitor your progress.
Remember, responding quickly and following the guidance of healthcare professionals is crucial in managing cases of poisoning or toxic ingestion. If you have doubts about the toxicity of a substance, it's always better to err on the side of caution and contact a poison control center or emergency services for advice.