Arsenic Poisoning & Nose Bleeds
Exposure to Humans
Inorganic arsenic, found in compounds with other metals, has been found in ground waters. Humans are mainly exposed to arsenic in food and drinking water.
Potential Causes of Arsenic Poisoning
Arsenic is used to protect wood from decay. It is also used with other chemicals to worm animals and in farming and forestry to kill ants, rats, weeds and termites, based on the World Health Organization (WHO). To prevent arsenic poisoning and its symptoms, people must wear protective clothing and/or use a respirator.
Incidents of Arsenic Exposure
Incident reports filed by the Environmental Protection Agency reveal reports from the National Pesticide Telecommunications Network (NPTN) and state health agencies that men, women and children have suffered from nose bleeds and hair loss after exposure to arsenic. In Illinois, a man and woman constructed picnic tables from arsenic-treated wood and experienced nose bleeds, blackouts, dark urine and aching legs.
Intravenous Arsenic Trioxide
When taken intravenously--in the veins--arsenic trioxide serves as a benefit; however, it also has undesired side effects. Based on, a nose bleed is considered a less common side effect, occurring in 10 to 50 percent of intravenous cases.
Other Symptoms of Arsenic Poisoning
Based on, convulsions, changes in fingernail pigment, drowsiness, headaches and confusion are other symptoms of arsenic poisoning. The World Health Organization (WHO) states that additional symptoms include a mouth that smells like garlic, low blood pressure and blue skin, sore throat and sudden stomach pain and vomiting, when arsenic is either inhaled, on the skin, in the eyes or consumed in small amounts over a long period of time.