Oxalic Acid Symptoms
Pain and Shock
Those who become affected by ingesting oxalic acid might feel abdominal, mouth or throat pain. In addition, shock and tremors could accompany this pain if left untreated for too long.
Drop In Blood Pressure
The poison can inhibit proper movement of blood throughout the body, resulting in lowered blood pressure and a weak pulse. These symptoms can also induce convulsions or make someone who is poisoned by oxalic acid collapse.
Reproductive Problems in Women
Women might experience specific reproductive and menstrual symptoms when oxalic acid is ingested. These symptoms include painful menstrual periods, infertility, a change in sex drive, lactation problems and it can alter the onset of otherwise natural activities, such as menopause.
Reproductive Problems in Men
Men who are affected by oxalic acid poisoning might deal with obstacles such as a lowered sperm count and the irregular shape of the sperm. In addition, infertility can occur along with a reduction in sexual activity.
Those affected should not try to treat oxalic acid poisoning on their own but instead should contact their local emergency phone number, or contact the National Poison Control Center: 1-800-222-1222.