What dose on fleek mean?
There are several theories about the origin of the term "on fleek." One theory is that it is derived from the phrase "on point," which means "very good" or "very accurate." Another theory is that it is derived from the phrase "on fire," which means "very excited" or "very energetic."
Whatever its origin, the term "on fleek" is a popular way to express approval or admiration. It is a versatile phrase that can be used in a variety of situations, from describing a friend's new outfit to complimenting a celebrity's performance.
Here are some examples of how the term "on fleek" is used:
* "Your hair is on fleek today!"
* "That dress is so on fleek!"
* "The performance was on fleek!"
The term "on fleek" is often used in conjunction with other slang terms, such as "bae" (short for "before anyone else") and "squad" (a group of close friends). These terms are all part of the internet slang lexicon that has emerged in recent years.