Oxygen Toxicity & Symptoms
There are two widely recognized types of oxygen toxicity, which is also known as oxygen poisoning or oxygen intoxication. Each type has its own distinctive set of symptoms. Named for the systems of the body that they affect, these are pulmonary oxygen toxicity and central nervous system (CNS) oxygen toxicity. Although both are most likely to be experienced by divers, others can be exposed to such toxicities as well. Both pose health dangers, but of the two, CNS toxicity is the most dangerous because serious symptoms tend to come on more quickly and with fewer warning signs.
Pulmonary Symptoms
The symptoms of pulmonary toxicity target the lower respiratory tract, including the trachea, bronchi and lungs. The first sign of this toxicity is a generalized pain behind the sternum or breastbone. This pain tends to increase in intensity and area and often is accompanied by coughing. Symptoms may spread from the center of the chest to the trachea and bronchi, the passageways that carry air from the trachea to the lungs. Generally speaking, anyone experiencing these symptoms is likely to remove himself from harm's way before any permanent danger is done.
CNS Symptoms
The symptoms of CNS toxicity, as mentioned earlier, usually come on much more abruptly and have the potential to do far more damage if the patient fails to take action quickly. Specific symptoms include changes in vision and hearing, anxiety, irritability, mental confusion, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, loss of consciousness and convulsions.
High-Risk Groups
Deep-sea divers who breathe higher concentrations of oxygen over a prolonged period of time are by far the group most likely to be affected by oxygen poisoning. The danger increases as divers go deeper because of the increased outside pressure. Also at risk are hospital patients, particularly babies born prematurely, who are receiving supplementary oxygen and people who are undergoing hyperbaric oxygen therapy to treat carbon monoxide or cyanide poisoning or a handful of other conditions.
The likelihood of complications is far greater in CNS toxicity than in the pulmonary type. However, in extreme cases victims of pulmonary oxygen toxicity may experience scarring of lung tissue. Because CNS toxicity can cause a sudden loss of consciousness, its victims become unable to seek help on their own, and their condition may quickly progress to coma and eventually death.