Methane Gas Poisoning Symptoms
Headaches are often the first sign of methane gas poisoning. In 1937, a school in New London, Texas blew up when methane gas was ignited by spark from a workman's tool. This blast killed at least 300. The faculty and school children had headaches in the days before the incident. This was the only symptom that the survivors reported after looking back in time before the explosion. The methane gas had built up and went unnoticed due to lack of any other health complaints.
Heart Palpitations
Heart palpitations are one of the symptoms that are caused by methane gas. This is the uncomfortable sensation that the heart is beating rapidly, out of sequence, or abnormally in some other way. People who experience this symptom from exposure to this gas will often be given a clean bill of health after seeking medical attention.
Inattentiveness, poor judgment and memory loss are signs of methane gas poisoning. The more you are exposed to this gas, the more predominant these symptoms become. People who are experiencing these symptoms are often unaware that this is happening until someone recognizes this in them and points it out.
Dizziness and fogginess is a symptom of methane gas exposure or poisoning. These symptoms usually appear and worsen the more time you spend in the location that harbors this gas. When spending time away from that environment the symptoms will dissipate. This occurrence is common with this type of poisoning.
Motor Coordination
A decrease in motor coordination often occurs after being exposed to methane gas. It can appear in subtle ways such as a normally unusual number of incidents of knocking things over around your home. Dropping things more than usual and even bumping into things in an environment you are use to.
Flu Like Symptoms
Mental uneasiness lethargy and discomfort are often symptoms that are present for days on end without an explanation. These are also symptoms one experiences with the flu so many times people stay at home and rest, which is of course going to give them more exposure and worsen the symptoms.