Poison Oak Disease

Poison oak disease results from contact with a poisonous sap or oil called urushiol. It is present in the roots, leaves, stem and fruit of the plant and is released when the plant is bruised.
  1. Features

    • The rash caused by poison oak disease is known as contact dermatitis and usually appears as a linear rash, followed by redness and swelling within 12 to 48 hours of contact with the urushiol. Blisters will then form, which will become crusted and begin to scale after a few days.


    • If you have even the slightest inkling that you have come into contact with poison oak, wash any exposed areas with cold, running water as soon as possible. If a rash develops, cool showers will help ease the itching, as will home remedies of soaking in a tepid bath containing oatmeal or baking soda. Over-the-counter preparations such as calamine lotion may also help. In more serious cases, corticosteroid drugs may be prescribed by a physician.


    • Contact with only a billionth of a gram of urushiol is enough to cause the rash. It is the most common allergy in the country.


    • Sensitivity to urushiol can develop over a period of time. The more times you are exposed to poison oak, the more likely you will develop a rash.


    • The only way to prevent exposure to poison oak disease is to learn to identify and avoid the plant. Destroying it is an option. Dig up the plant, including all the roots, leaves and stems, and place them in a plastic bag. Dispose of the bag properly by placing it in a dumpster or landfill.


    • Never burn poison oak, as the urushiol may be released in the smoke and damage lung tissue. If your clothing or camping equipment comes into contact with poison oak, wash it thoroughly. The poison can remain active for up to five years, even on dead plants.

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