Mercury Toxicity Symptoms
Central Nervous System Symptoms
Mercury poisoning can produce these symptoms in the central nervous system: restlessness, emotional volatility, irritability, anxiety, exaggerated responses to stimulation, feelings of fear, indecision, lethargy, difficulty concentrating, depression, withdrawal, suicidal ideas, shyness, lack of confidence, ataxia, multiple sclerosis, myoneural transmission failure, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or ALS (a motor neuron disease), along with numbness, tingling or trembling of the hands, fingers, feet, lips or tongue.
Symptoms in the Mouth, Head and Neck
In the mouth, head and neck there are a variety of symptoms which could be indicative of mercury toxicity including foul breath, a metallic taste in the mouth, excessive salivation, loose teeth, bone loss, bleeding gums, burning and tingling of the lips or face, pigmentation on the gums, sores in the mouth, leukoplakia and ulceration of the palate, tongue or gums. Additional symptoms include ringing in the ears, hearing problems, vertigo and vision changes.
Gastrointestinal, Cardiovascular and Immune Symptoms
Gastrointestinal symptoms of mercury toxicity include abdominal discomfort, cramping, diarrhea, constipation, frequent and painful urge to have a bowel movement, increased allergies to foods (particularly eggs and milk), diverticulitis and colitis. Cardiovascular symptoms increase elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels, palpitations and abnormal blood pressure levels. Your immune system is also affected by mercury levels. Chronic mercury toxicity can result in immunologic symptoms like repetitive infections, cancer and autoimmune disorders (such as lupus, arthritis, scleroderma, MS, ALS and thyroid issues).
System-Wide Symptoms
Your entire body can be affected by mercury toxicity leading to thyroid problems, allergies, chronic headaches, dermatitis, cold and clammy skin, unexplainable reactions, below-normal body temperature, excessive perspiration, night sweats, inexplicable sensory symptoms such as pain, numbness/burning, anemia, kidney disease, adrenal disease, changes in appetite, weight loss, fatigue, hypoglycemia and poor balance and poor coordination.
Medical Conditions Linked to Mercury Toxicity
Certain medical conditions could be linked to mercury toxicity. Alzheimer's patients often have significantly high levels of heavy metals (like mercury) in their brain and blood. Mercury levels in multiple sclerosis patients' spinal fluid have been shown to be higher than normal levels. According to a study published in 1999 in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, the heart tissue of patients who died from idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy had mercury levels 22,000 times the normal level.
This is not a complete list and research on mercury toxicity and the long-term health risks that it poses remains ongoing. If you are experiencing any severe or persistent unexplainable symptoms, you should contact your doctor for an evaluation.