How to Naturally Treat Food Poisoning
There are a few things you can try, at home, to lessen your symptoms of food poisoning.
Did you know that coca-cola was actually invented to cure upset stomachs? And the best part still works today. Take a can of original Coca-Cola and open it. Let it sit out for about 30 minutes so that it can go flat.
You want to make sure the fizz is out of the coca-cola. The carbonation (fizz) will upset your stomach even more.
Rehydrating your body when you have food poisoning is very important. Drinking Gatorade helps replace the potassium, sodium and glucose that you lose when you have vomiting and diarrhea.
If you don't have Gatorade at your house, then you can mix your own rehydrating solution. Take 3 teaspoons of sugar, 1 teaspoon of table salt, 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and mix them with 16 ounces of water. Drink the entire solution.
Once you start to feel better and feel like eating, you will want to start small. Eating original saltine crackers will help put something back in your stomach that will be easily digest.