The Effects of Drinking Clorox
Immediate Effects
Ingesting Clorox can lead to nausea and diarrhea, along with vomiting and, in some cases, permanent esophageal damage. This damage can cause intestinal problems, such as wearing away of the stomach lining. While it is true that drinking water does have chlorine bleach in it, it is regulated highly by the FDA and should not be attempted at home.
Long-Term Side Effects
Drinking Clorox for a lengthy amount of time can cause serious long-term effects. With the wearing away of your stomach lining, you may experience excess stomach acid or even ulcers. Chronic poisoning with Clorox bleach can also lead to excess mucous production in the eyes and damage to the central nervous system. You may also experience hyperchloremic acidosis, a condition in which the pH balance of your body is always too acidic.
If you've accidentally swallowed a small amount of Clorox, you should begin drinking milk immediately. Continue to administer fluids to dilute the bleach and minimize the side effects. However, if a large amount has been ingested, stomach pumping might be necessary, as too much Clorox can lead to death by poisoning. See your doctor immediately if you've ingested Clorox, or call your local Poison Control Center at 1-800-222-1222.