What Chemicals Can Cause Nerve Damage?
The chemical mosquito repellent DEET has been linked to nerve damage and neurological damage. DEET is used in many sprays and is applied to skin and clothing, and may accidentally be absorbed into food if used nearby cooking products and areas. The Environmental Protection Agency and the Centers for Disease Control both claim that DEET is safe for use, but the the EPA warns people to use it with caution. DEET can be absorbed through the skin, reach the bloodstream and be carried up to the brain, causing a seizure. DEET was created to destroy nerve cells in mosquitoes and may have the same effect when used for a prolonged period of time by a human being.
Acrylamides and Hexanes
Acrylamides are used in water purification, mining, the manufacturing of paper and are also most recently found in potato chips, baked cereals, French fries and other carbohydrates cooked in high temperatures. Hexanes are found in paints, glues and shoe manufacturing. Acrylamides and Hexanes destroy motor proteins traveling through the length of nerves and delivering much needed nutrients. Without these nutrients as nourishment, nerve damage occurs along with neurological impairments such as those seen with Parkinson's disease.
O-Anisidine is a chemical used in manufacturing of pharmaceuticals and azo-dyes. Ingestion of this chemical can lead to symptoms such as dizziness, headache, blue-tinted fingernails, lips and skin, convulsions and nerve damage caused by cyanosis, which is a lack of oxygen in the blood supply.
Shampoo Toxins
A chemical found in popular shampoos is called methylisothiazolinone, or MIT, and it causes neurological and nerve damage. MIT works by slowing down communications between neurons, which slows the brain and impairs the nervous system.
Lead Poisoning
Lead becomes highly toxic when ingested, especially by children. Once ingested, it can cause headache, low energy, stunted growth, learning disabilities and brain and nerve damage by attacking the nervous system.
Being cautious about what consumers put in their bodies daily is a start at making the world a little safer. Be aware of the products and chemicals around you, research them, and, most importantly, make sure they are safe for you and your family.