Signs and Symptoms of Black Mold Poisoning
Toxic black mold, or stachybotrys chartarum, grows in a powdery or feathery formation in areas of humidity and moderate temperatures. One of the most common causes of black mold growth in homes is when a leak, flood or excessive condensation occurs in the house. Black mold has also been known to grow inside air conditioning units and HVAC systems. Due to the fact that mold can grow in both well-lit areas as well as complete darkness, homes are a breeding ground for this dangerous fungus.
As discussed previously, humid temperatures are a main factor in the growth of black mold. Any area that has a relative humidity greater than 55 percent, both inside and outside of the home, is at risk for black mold growth. Pipe leaks and flooding are often guilty of causing black mold and fungus growth, since the mold thrives in moist conditions. Another sign of black mold growth is a musty smell, usually occurring when air conditioning or HVAC systems are activated. Other signs include water-stained walls, rusting, moist crawlspaces, warped wood and a black growth in bathroom floor tiles.
Health Effects
Toxic black mold is known to increase allergy symptoms and respiratory problems. Ninety-six percent of chronic allergy symptoms have been attributed to black mold. Black mold poisoning can become very serious if not treated properly or removed from the home. Symptoms of black mold poisoning include trouble breathing, itchy eyes, hives on the skin, headaches, nausea, dizziness, sinus congestion and coughing. More serious conditions include bleeding in the lungs, memory loss, irregular blood pressure, urinary tract infections, liver pain and possibly infertility in some women.
The best treatment for black mold poisoning is to prevent mold growth from occurring in the home. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "the way to control indoor mold growth is to control moisture." Controlling the humidity level in your home and using dehumidifiers in damp environments is a good way to prevent black mold poisoning. Monitoring the relative humidity in your home with a hygrometer, or moisture meter, is important as well. Upkeep of the home and regular roof inspections to check for leaks is vital. Other preventative measures are removal of moldy shower curtains, good ventilation and regular duct work inspections.
When removing black mold from the home, it is important that you seal off each room before cleaning them. This is because the disruption of the mold can cause spores to escape into other parts of your house, causing more growth in more areas. You can seal rooms using plastic sheeting and duct tape. Wearing protective clothing and a face mask is crucial to avoid irritation. For moldy areas that are dry, moisten them with water using a spray bottle; this helps keep the mold from spreading spores. Continue cleaning with regular soap or dish soap, then disinfect the area with alcohol, bleach or hydrogen peroxide. Place the removed mold into a thick plastic garbage bag and place it outside through a window in the house--this will minimize further contamination of other rooms.