Signs & Symptoms of Mold Poisoning
What Is Mold?
Mold is a kind of fungi that grows in moist, damp areas. Humidity and temperature are the most significant factors that determine where mold will likely grow. It can be on walls, food products, clothing, carpet and wood. It is important to note that mold is not restricted to external surfaces, and may be found inside of HVAC systems, air conditioners, etc.
If a leak occurs and causes an area to be damp for long periods of time, mold may result. Also, condensation and humid environments create a perfect breeding ground for mold.
If any of the following signs occur, you may have mold:
* Bad odor is the most significant indication of mold. If it is bitter, musty and originates from a location that is damp, mold growth is likely.
* Stains on a wall that are yellow are due to a high moisture concentration. If other colors such as green, black, or brown spots occur near a yellow stain, it is a sign that mold is present.
*Allergic reactions in those with sensitive respiratory systems. When someone in a house experiences severe allergies that are abnormal, it is a sign that mold is growing within the home.
These are the most common symptoms of mold poisoning:
* Headaches
* Upset Stomach
* Dizziness
* Skin Rash
* Coughing
* Asthma
* Lethargy
Aggravated Symptoms
Some of the more severe symptoms that can occur after prolonged exposure to mold are:
* Irregular blood pressure
* Infection of the central nervous and/or respiratory systems
* Liver pain
* Impaired digestive system
* Urinary tract infection
* Infertility
The following steps should be taken to control the growth of mold:
1. Bathrooms are the most susceptible area of a home to experience mold growth. Bathtubs, tiles and shower curtains should be cleaned frequently to prevent mold and mildew.
2. Watch closely for pipe and roof leaks. If found they should be repaired immediately.
3. Air conditioners, air ducts and HVAC systems should be routinely inspected and cleaned. It is easy to forget about these since mold growth is not readily visible.
4. Air purifiers are great at reducing mold spore particles inside a home.