Symptoms of Alcohol Poisioning
If the person is throwing up excessively, sometimes uncontrollably, then this is a clear sign of alcohol poisoning. The body is attempting to rid itself of the poison in the fastest way possible. If a person is displaying this behavior, you really should monitor him closely---especially when he sleeps. If a person throws up in his sleep or in the wrong position, he could choke on his own vomit.
Passing Out
If the person struggles to stay conscious and blacks out, barely remembering where she is, this is a possible sign of alcohol poisoning. If you are unable to wake the person after repeated tries, call the police for an ambulance immediately.
Blue or Pale Skin
If the person's skin starts to turn paler or changes colors, such as a strange blue tint, this is a symptom of alcohol poisoning. Clammy and cold skin is also an indication that this could be a very serious situation that requires medical assistance.
Problems Breathing
We need to breathe in order to live, so if you find that the person is struggling to breathe, taking short breaths, or her breathing stops for several seconds or more at a time, this is a very serious sign. Check the breath by putting your ear close to the person's mouth or by placing a mirror close to the lips to see if there is a fog.
Seizures from Alcohol Poisoning
Possibly the most clear sign of potentially fatal alcohol poisoning is if the person is seizing. During a seizure the eyes roll up into the head, and the body shakes and twitches uncontrollably. It is possible for someone to swallow her tongue during a seizure. In this case, there is no time to delay---get this individual medical attention immediately.
Possible alcohol poisoning should never be taken lightly. If someone you know is experiencing any of these symptoms, you should call 911 immediately---even if you're unsure. Call the emergency service for advice on what you should do, or just go ahead and transport him to an emergency room to be checked. Never leave someone who could have alcohol poisoning alone. A sober person should be put in charge of taking care of the drunk individual.