The Side Effects of Syrup of Ipecac
Respiratory Issues
Ipecac use can lead to lung and breathing problems. This includes aspiration pneumonitis, which results from aspirating the chemical in the process of administration and vomiting.
Acid Burn
The most common side effect of syrup of ipecac is a burning of the mouth and throat. This can lead to problems speaking and eating after use.
Nervous System
The use of syrup of ipecac can lead to an allergic reaction of a rash or neurological issues, such as drowsiness and lethargy. Chronic use of ipecac can lead to skeletal muscle toxicity.
The use of ipecac can cause irregular palpitations in the heart as well as tachycardia. Chronic ingestion leads to toxic myopathy and possibly death.
Syrup of Ipecac has a strong acid base and will not work on poisons with corrosive properties such as toilet bowl cleaners or drain cleaners. Possible aids in this type of poisoning are vinegar or baking soda.