What Is Alcohol Poisoning?
Someone suffering from alcohol poisoning will be in a deep state of confusion. He may be nearly unconscious and incredibly hard to rouse from sleeping.
Other Symptoms
Other signs of alcohol poisoning are a significantly slowed rate of breathing, clammy skin, vomiting and nausea, and skin that is bluish in hue. All or some of these symptoms of the poisoning may be present, which warrants immediate medical attention.
Deadly Consequence
Someone that has slipped into unconsciousness from alcohol poisoning is at risk of throwing up and choking to death on their own vomit. The person may also aspirate the vomit and injure the lungs.
Hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, can result and induce a seizure. Dehydration can also bring about seizures, which have been known to cause irreversible damage to the brain.
The body's level of alcohol must come down on its own. The individual must be carefully watched, have the airway protected, be given supplemental oxygen and have fluids administered to avoid dehydration.