How to Avoid Mercury Poisoning
Our coal fired plants have been the main source of increased mercury waste in the air and sea. Other sources of mercury are improperly disposed fluorescent lighting, production of gold, pig iron and steel and some other products. Most of the mercury pollution on this planet is due to human activity, the rest is usually due to volcanic activity. With the human-produced additions, mercury is now becoming a serious poison that is endangering human health.
Mercury poisoning is also known as hydrargaria or mercurialism. Damage to the brain, kidney and lung can manifest in a number of ways. It can cause reddening of the skin and sensory problems among other symptoms. The young and the unborn are particularly vulnerable to mercury poisoning.
The good news is that mercury poisoning is treatable and in most cases completely curable. The best way to avoid mercury poisoning, is by staying clear of its sources.
Mercury is also found in older dental amalgams, batteries and is most likely to be ingested by eating fish with high mercury levels. Some jobs expose workers to high levels of mercury. If you work in an environment where mercury is involved, you should have yourself tested regularly.
Fish in the diet is extremely important, but the high mercury levels in some fish is making them more dangerous than beneficial. The highest and most dangerous concentrations of mercury are rated in Tile fish, Shark, and Swordfish. Also high are Albacore and Bigeye (Ahi) Tunas, Orange Roughy, Chilean Bass, Grouper, King Mackerel, Northern Lobster and Marlin. There is a good list available on the Got Mercury site (listed below). Since fish are such a vital source of omega-3 fatty acids, you are safest to consume more of the smaller varieties of fish. They seem to avoid the mercury poison retention found in more of the larger species.
The best way to stay safe from mercury poisoning is to stay away from its sources. For more, in-depth information on how to avoid mercury in fish and other sources, please check the excellent Resources below.