How to Recognize the Symptoms of a Sleeping Pill Overdose
Observe the person for signs of an upset stomach, including vomiting. The body will sometimes try to rid itself of an excess of toxins through vomiting. However, even if a person has stopped vomiting, this does not mean that a person is out of danger in an overdose situation.
Ask the person to stand up and pay attention whether or not they seem to be steady on their feet. During an overdose, a person might not be able to stand and may complain of severe dizziness. Dizziness may also be accompanied by blurred vision or fainting.
Check for signs of gasping, wheezing and choking. If the person is having trouble breathing, this is a serious health threat and should not be taken lightly.
Talk to the person to determine whether or not they can carry on a normal conversation, using logical thought patterns. If the person is having trouble pronouncing words or seems to be experiencing difficulty putting clear thoughts together, this is a warning sign.
Wake the person if he is sleeping. A person in coma may appear to be sleeping, but upon closer inspection, it will be difficult or impossible to wake them. The Mayo Clinic says that coma symptoms include: "Closed eyes, no responses of limbs except for reflex movements, and no response to painful stimuli, except for reflex movements."
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