Alcohol Poisoning Treatment
Drugs and Treatment Options
Alcohol poisoning treatment requires support as the person's body eliminates all of the alcohol. This type of treatment generally entails oxygen therapy, intravenous administration of fluids to stop dehydration from occurring, close monitoring and vigilance and airway protection to stop choking or breathing issues.
Kidney Dialysis
Individuals who have ingested non-drinkable alcohol such as isopropyl or methanol alcohol might require kidney dialysis. Kidney dialysis is a mechanical technique for eliminating waste and toxins from the body. Kidney dialysis speeds up the removal of the alcohol poisoning from a person's bloodstream.
Most home remedies for taking care of alcohol poisoning are rather ineffective. Some of them can even be dangerous. Cold showers, drinking black coffee, sleeping it off and walking it off are all believed to be home remedies for getting sober, but they have no proven effectiveness.
If you are around someone who you think might be experiencing alcohol poisoning, call 911 to get emergency medical attention. You must remain with the individual at all times and try to keep them lying down (also make sure they do not sit upright). Try to tilt the person's head over to the side to keep them from choking. Also, to make sure they do not lose consciousness, try to keep them awake the entire time. A good way to do this is by asking them questions and constantly speaking to them.
To get someone treatment for alcohol poisoning, be able to recognize the possible signs and symptoms that someone is, in fact, experiencing this condition. Some common alcohol poisoning symptoms include semi-consciousness or complete unconsciousness, clammy, cold, bluish or pale skin tone, slow breathing or long lapses in between breaths.