Medical Ammonia Symptoms
Where exactly can people accidentally encounter ammonia poisoning? People put themselves at risk for getting ammonia poisoning by exposing themselves to pure ammonia, some types of liniments, some regular household cleaners and various fertilizers.
Some of the common symptoms that people might experience as a result of ammonia poisoning are located in the chest and lungs. These symptoms are wheezing, excessive coughing, severe chest pain and a strong feeling of tightness in the chest.
A number of medical ammonia symptoms take place in the ears, nose and throat. Sufferers might experience temporary blindness; severe, excruciating throat ache; pain in the mouth; a burning and tearing feeling in the eyes; and even a swelling up of the lips.
Other effects of ammonia can be related to the skin, gastrointestinal system, blood, heart and nervous system. These symptoms can include a blue tint to the fingernails or lips, severe burns (if your contact with ammonia lasts over a few minutes), vomiting, extreme stomach pain, physical collapse, a fast and weak pulse, restlessness and even fever.
If you have come into contact with ammonia and are experiencing any symptoms, get immediate medical attention. If you find the ammonia on your eyes or skin, wash it off immediately with water (for a minimum of 15 minutes). If you have accidentally swallowed ammonia, drink water or milk to wash it away as soon as possible. However, don't drink any water or milk if you are throwing up, convulsing or feeling less than alert. If you have breathed in ammonia, go outside and breathe in the fresh air while waiting for medical help.