How to Induce Vomiting
Inducing vomiting should only be done in emergency cases like the aforementioned. It must be a life and death situation. It should not be done in an attempt to lose weight. Regular or repeated vomiting may cause severe problems in the esophagus, dehydration damage to the tooth enamel, and even allergic reactions due to taking in of Ipecac.
To induce vomiting the following should be done:
In such cases, it is always advised that the emergency hotline (911) or Poison Control hotline 1-800-222-1222 24 be contacted immediately. Follow the instruction given carefully.
Any instruction given by the Poison Control should be carefully followed. Ipecac is usually suggested during such situations. Give the right amount for the size of the patient.
The vomit should be placed in a clean container for further examination of the substance in the body.
It is necessary that the patient be given a close monitoring even after vomiting; there are cases when the substance is not completely expelled out of the body.
To be prepared at this kind of scenarios one has to post the hotlines near every phone in the house.