How to Treat Chemical Poisoning
Seek medical attention if you suspect any type of chemical poisoning. The symptoms and treatment will always depend on the type of poisoning.
Remain calm. Do not panic if you suspect that you or someone else has ingested a dangerous chemical. Getting yourself worked up is not going to help anyone, especially the victim.
Ask the victim what the poisonous chemical is and what time ingestion occurred. If the victim is a small child you will have to figure out what was taken and when. Identifying the poison is critical in the treatment.
Call the poison control hotline. Keep the number near your home and workplace phones at all times in case of an emergency.
Give the dispatcher the following information: your name and phone number, the emergency location, the victim's age, condition and his weight. Have the containers or bottles of the product available while you are on the phone.
Follow the instructions given to you by 911 or the poison control hotline.