How to Seek Medical Help for Food Poisoning
Things You'll Need
- Telephone
- Family member
- Access to a friend
- Doctor's advice
Talk to whomever lives with you. They are your first line of defense. They should be able to give some sort of assessment to your condition and be able to help you get fluids and keep your comfortable.
Call your personal physician. He will know you and have an idea of your health risks and can advise you if there are any home remedies you can use to ease your discomfort. He will also know of your allergies and will probably not need you to come into the office, depending on how well he knows you. He can also call in a prescription, if necessary.
In the event that you cannot talk to your physician and you are home alone, another option, if you know you are not in critical condition, is to call a friend. You can tell them what you think you ingested and that you are alone. This will give them a chance to rearrange their schedule and help get you to an emergency room if necessary.
If you are vomiting or have diarrhea, cannot keep any fluids down, have a temperature over 101 degrees, cannot take your normal prescribed medication, then have someone drive you to the local emergency room.
If someone with food-poisoning passes out, has an auto-immune disorder, is younger than three, has difficulty swallowing or has slurred speach, or anything else that is strangely out of character, call 911.