How to Survive Arsenic Poisoning
Things You'll Need
- 24-hour urine test
- Hair analysis
- Chiropractor
How To Survive Arsenic Poisoning
Many factors affect the absorption, distribution and excretion of both
toxic heavy metals and essential minerals. Hair levels of toxic metals
may give the most accurate indication of body toxic metal burden and
overall exposure. Hair analysis is extremely cost effective and also
gives an indication of total toxic metal load. Also, a 24-hour urine
test is needed to see if you have arsenic poisoning. Symptoms can
include an overall ill feeling and mental disturbances such as delusion
and confusion. Other symptoms include:* Abdominal pain
* Blood in stool
* Chest pain
* Constipation
* Cough
* Diarrhea
* Difficulty swallowing
* Dizziness
* Eye discomfort and redness
* Foot pain or ankle pain
* Foot swelling or leg swelling
* Headaches
* Heart palpitations
* Hip pain
* Knee pain
* Low back pain
* Nasal congestion
* Nausea or vomiting
* Neck pain
* Numbness or tingling in hands
* Pelvic pain: female
* Pelvic pain: male
* Shortness of breath
* Shoulder pain
* Sore throat
* Urinary problems
* Vision problems
* Wheezing -
Toxic Heavy Metals negatively impact our health. They are in the air we
breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, the products we use and
the objects we touch. Exposure is all but impossible to avoid. The root
causation of arsenic poisoning can be household products and your water
system. Be careful that you don't have pesticides near any water
source. Pay special attention to your gardening area. If you're
remodeling your house, drywall dust can be a source of arsenic too. -
Heavy metals build up within the body over a period of time causes poor
health. However they can be mobilized and excreted in a safe and
effective manner. Treatment is usually Chelation therapy that pulls
arsenic out of your system. Heavy metals (arsenic, lead, and mercury)
like to hide in the brain and are resistant to cleaning out. The liver
has to do a hard job processing the toxins during chelation therapy and
the process can be tough on your digestive system. It's best to eat a
diet of protein and mostly vegetables during treatment. Treatment can
be done via IVs or orally. Intravenous treatment can be too rough on
your body and some people need to take oral drops instead for a slower
but less intrusive treatment. -
Your chiropractor can be a good treatment resource as they have a test
to see how much arsenic or other heavy metals are in your system. By
pressing on certain body parts and applying a resistance test, they can
tell how your treatment has progressed. Additional 24-hour urine tests
may also be prescribed to see what your levels are. Over time, you can
rid your system of heavy metals but remember that you must be patient
and thorough with the treatment process.