How to Recognize Alcohol Poisoning Complications
Watch the person who's had too much to drink. Signs of alcohol poisoning include excessive vomiting, acting confused, difficulty breathing, cold skin, bluish skin and difficulty standing or walking.
Pay attention to vomiting. One serious complication of alcohol poisoning is choking on vomit or inhaling vomit, bringing it down into the lungs and causing infection or even death.
Observe for breathing difficulties as lack of oxygen can lead to permanent brain damage. Medical professionals can check for brain damage due to alcohol poisoning complications.
Look for clammy skin or shivering. Alcohol helps people feel warm, even if they aren't and their body temperature is dropping. This means that people with alcohol poisoning can die from exposure even though it's 50 degrees outside.
Keep the persons from driving, injuring themselves due to clumsiness or falling out of windows or off roofs. One huge complication with alcohol poisoning is secondary injuries.
Stay with someone who is passed out from drinking too much alcohol. Keep them on their side to prevent choking and keep them warm. If possible, try to get them to drink some water.