How to Avoid Fatty Foods After Food Poisoning
Things You'll Need
- Electrolyte-enhanced fluids
Recover Fully From Food Poisoning
Begin recovery from food poisoning by staying hydrated at all times. Using fluids that have been enhanced with electrolytes, which are salts that maintain the balance of fluid in the body, should give you an edge over just drinking water. There are many types of these fluids available, from sports drinks to electrolyte-enhanced drinking water.
Avoid fatty foods after experiencing a bout of food poisoning by implementing the BART diet for at least three days after you have been treated. The BART diet consists of bananas, applesauce, rice and toast, all of which are very mild and easy to digest. The BART diet should allow your digestive tract to fully heal, so that you may be able to enjoy your favorite foods once again.
Stay away from foods that can aggravate your digestive system while you are trying to recover from food poisoning. These include all spicy foods and dairy products, especially those that are fatty and can reintroduce bacteria into your bloodstream. In addition, you should also avoid caffeine and alcohol, which can dehydrate you.
Expect that all other types of fatty foods can easily impede your recovery, since they may have high levels of bacteria. These include salty snacks, fatty meats--sausages and cold cuts--cheese, yogurt and high-calorie desserts such as ice cream, custard and pudding. You should also avoid any foods that have not been thoroughly cooked.
Schedule a follow-up visit with your doctor if you still feel the residual effects of food poisoning more than one week after treatment. These symptoms may include abdominal cramping, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, dizziness and fever. Such effects often occur when prescribed antibiotics are not taken as directed or when fatty foods are reintroduced into the diet too soon after food poisoning.