How to Help an Alcohol Poisoning Sufferer
Learn the symptoms that a sufferer of alcohol poisoning may exhibit before he loses consciousness. These may include excessive vomiting, seizures, stupor and confusion. If you see even one of these symptoms, prevent the person from drinking more alcohol, and help him to stay hydrated by drinking water instead.
Note some of the symptoms from alcohol poisoning that may occur after someone has passed out, such as seizures and continued vomiting, even after the sufferer is unconscious. The breathing patterns of an individual suffering from alcohol poisoning will also become slow and infrequent, and it may be impossible to revive her, which may indicate an impending coma. Take action if the individual is breathing less than eight times per minute or if there is more than a 10-second lapse between breaths.
Call 911 if you suspect alcohol poisoning. It's much better to anger or embarrass the person by overreacting than to take no action at all, which may result in a tragedy.
Try to keep the sufferer of alcohol poisoning awake and comfortable while you are waiting for help to arrive. If he continues to vomit, make sure he is turned on his side to prevent choking, which is the main cause of death in alcohol poisoning cases. Try to keep the individual as awake and alert as possible, and never leave him unsupervised.
Keep offering the individual plenty of water to drink, since excessive vomiting can easily dehydrate the body. Coffee should generally be avoided, to dispel a popular myth, since caffeine can also cause dehydration. The best treatment for alcohol poisoning is time and constant supervision, not stimulants.