How to Talk to a Doctor About Alcohol Poisoning
Ask your doctor about how to recognize the symptoms of alcohol poisoning. These symptoms may include stupor, confusion, excessive vomiting, seizure, shallow or infrequent breathing and uninterrupted loss of consciousness.
Talk to your doctor about the steps to follow in securing help for someone who may be suffering from alcohol poisoning. Your doctor should tell you about keeping the person awake, hydrated and responsive for as long as possible while you wait for help. In addition, your doctor will probably stress the importance of maintaining supervision of the individual until medical help arrives.
Ask your doctor how to monitor blood alcohol levels to determine safe consumption rates. Your doctor may be able to estimate the amount of alcohol you can safely consume per hour, based upon such factors as your age, sex, size and weight. You will then be able to safely moderate your alcohol consumption to avoid the possibility of alcohol poisoning.
Learn more about the treatment of alcohol poisoning. While the best treatment option for alcohol poisoning is generally time and hydration, your doctor should be able to tell you about additional steps that may be taken to expel excessive levels of alcohol from the body, such as intravenous feeding, oxygen therapy or kidney dialysis--in extreme cases.
Evaluate the dangers of alcohol poisoning, such as permanent brain damage, kidney damage, coma or death. Ask your doctor to talk with your kids about the dangers of alcohol poisoning, especially if they are preparing to enter college. The vast majority of alcohol poisoning cases involve individuals between the ages of 18 and 22.
Get your doctor to explain how food consumption affects the risk of developing alcohol poisoning. A meal may help to slow the absorption of alcohol.