How to Treat Nicotine Poisoning
Know the clinical effects of nicotine poisoning. These include abdominal cramps, a burning sensation in the mouth and throat, diarrhea, nausea, salivation and vomiting.
Observe the systemic effects of nicotine poisoning, including agitation, confusion, dizziness, lack of coordination and weakness. A white cell count may show polymorphonuclear leucocytosis and a urinalysis may indicate glycosuria.
Perform first aid for nicotine poisoning. Establish an airway and monitor breathing and heart rate. Lethal overdoses are almost always fatal within one hour and the prognosis is good after this point.
Prepare for seizures or coma by having oxygen and artificial ventilation ready. Perform gastric lavage if the ingestion was recent and the patient has not already vomited. Administer multiple doses of activated charcoal as required.
Carry out supportive measures as needed. Oral suction may be needed for profuse salivation and diarrhea may be treated with atropine. Control agitation with diazepam or barbiturates. Observe for several hours if more than one cigarette was ingested.