Symptoms of the Consumption of Mold on Food
Gastrointestinal Reactions
The acids in the human stomach are more than capable of breaking down the majority of the bacteria and fungus present in food mold. Occasionally, however, an individual may experience gastrointestinal reactions very similar to traditional food poisoning symptoms: diarrhea, abdominal pain or discomfort, excessive gassiness and sometimes a burning sensation that closely mirrors acid reflux. A common but mild side effect of mold consumption is acute nausea, which should pass entirely within a few hours and can be treated with over-the-counter or home remedies.
Allergic Reactions
Because some individuals have a mold allergy, which can range from mild to severe, reaction to mold consumption can be very similar to other environmental allergies. A person may experience asthmatic symptoms such as coughing, wheezing and difficulty breathing. An affected individual may also experience symptoms similar to seasonal allergies, such as congestion, watery eyes, headaches and sneezing. There may even be external symptoms, such as itchy skin, a rash or boils on the neck, all of which might be precursors to anaphylactic shock.
Extreme Reactions
The majority of symptoms of the consumption of food mold are mild, and healthy individuals with uncompromised immune systems should be able to fend off any side effects easily. However, some sensitive individuals, persons with compromised immune systems such as lupus sufferers and people with HIV/AIDS, as well as children and the elderly are prone to more extreme allergic reactions to food mold ingestion. These symptoms can include severe respiratory distress, shock and hives. An affected individual may even experience neurological symptoms, such as confusion, disorientation, vertigo, dizziness and slurred speech. In extreme cases, repeated ingestion can cause anaphylaxis and even death, so a person who suspects he is experiencing an allergic reaction to mold consumption should contact his health provider immediately.