The Effects of Large Doses of Zinc
Stomach Problems
The effects of excessive zinc are similar to most metal poisonings. The stomach is intensely irritated as zinc can attack the stomach lining, leading to stomach cramps. Diarrhea is a common symptom of excessive zinc, along with a total lack of urinal output, as it irritates the stomach, kidneys and liver. There is a correlation between excessive zinc intake and problems with the urinary tract. Even with food, excessive zinc can cause nausea and vomiting, according to the National Institutes of Health.
Immune Suppression
As zinc is necessary for a healthy immune system, too much zinc can paralyze it, leaving the body open to substantial infection. This is a symptom of both a lack of and an excess of zinc. High doses of zinc can harm the absorption of iron into the blood, possibly leading to anemia and a weakened immune system.
Liver Problems
As zinc is very hard on the liver, there might be some yellowing of the eyes and other signs of jaundice at high doses. Headaches are also reported as a common symptom of excessive zinc intake, possibly leading to convulsions. The body is in a general, all around state of pain that could lead to eventual collapse. The liver will not be carrying out its other duties in the body as it struggles with processing the excess zinc.
Other Problems
Excess zinc can cause rashes and other skin problems. It can lower the blood pressure to dangerous levels and cause coughing and chills. A fever can also result from excess zinc. The body may go into shock at very high doses as the system tries to heal itself and expel the zinc through vomiting.