How to Apply AndroGel for Facial Hair Growth
Open the gel pouch and squeeze the contents into your hand. Each gel pouch has already been measured with your prescribed strength of AndroGel. Follow this routine at the same time every day to keep your levels from spiking or dropping.
Rub the entire package of gel into your shoulders and upper arms. Keep the gel in an area that is easy to cover up with your shirt so that it doesn't easily rub onto others.
Wash your hands. Do not allow any of the gel to stay on your hands. Thoroughly wash with soap and water once you have applied the gel to your upper arms and shoulders. This is a precaution for others as extra testosterone can have adverse affects on men and cause problems for women and children.
Cover your shoulders and upper arms with a shirt after five minutes. Allow the gel time to soak into your skin and dry. Once dry, put on a shirt to prevent the testosterone from spreading to other people walking past you. Facial hair will begin to form naturally.