How to Apply for Veteran Prescriptions at the Veteran's Administration Hospital in Georgia

The Georgia Department of Veteran's Affairs is required to provide eligible veterans with hospital care and outpatient care services. Veterans must have received an honorable discharge from service to be eligible for health benefits. To receive these benefits, a veteran can submit an enrollment application by mail or online, or he can also walk into any Georgia Veteran's Administration Medical Center to enroll in person. Benefits do not change from state to state.

Things You'll Need

  • DD-214
  • Supporting documents
  • Application
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    • 1

      Enroll in the Veteran's Administration health system. Veterans must be enrolled in order to receive health benefits. Call 877-222-8387 Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. A VA representative will mail an enrollment form to the veteran. Mail the original application with copies of all supporting documents back to the following address:

      Floyd Veterans Memorial Building, Suite E-970

      Atlanta, Georgia 30334-4800.

    • 2

      Enroll in person by going to the nearest Georgia Veteran's Administration Medical Center or Clinic. Take all supporting documentation with you. This will speed up the process. Complete all necessary paperwork.

    • 3

      Go online to apply electronically. This is the fastest and easiest way to enroll. The application can be found at the website of the U.S. Department of Veteran's Affairs. Follow the instructions on the screen to apply.

    • 4

      Wait for notification of the Veteran Administration's decision on your case. A letter with the decision will be sent to the veteran after the application for enrollment in the Georgia Veteran's Administration health care system has been received and processed. The veteran will be notified of the enrollment priority group assignment upon approval.

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