Instructions for Male Catheterization
Things You'll Need
- Hand alcohol cleaner
- Cotton balls
- Soap
- Water soluble lubricant
- Catheter (size prescribed by your physician)
Arrange all of the equipment so they're all ready and readily available. Wash your hands and cleanse them with an alcohol-based cleaner.
Cleanse penis with a cotton ball softened with soap and water. Wash in a circular motion working outwards from the urethra.
Lubricate the catheter end that will be going in the urethra. Some disposable catheters come pre-lubricated in the packaging.
Hold the penis upwards. Gently insert the catheter end into the urethra. Pass the catheter in halfway. Lower the penis to a downward trajectory and slide the catheter into the bladder. This might require a little extra pressure to go through the seal of the bladder.
Drain the bladder completely allowing the urine to flow from the other end of the catheter into a bottle or toilet bowl.
Slowly withdraw the catheter rotating it as you pull it out. Stop each time more urine drains out and allow the urine to drain.
Pinch the end of the catheter to prevent urine from flowing back into the bladder. Fully withdraw the catheter. Check the urine for unusual odor or color. Wash the catheter in warm soapy water; if it is a disposable catheter, put it in a disposal unit.