Pharmaceutical Companies Information
The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) represents many of the major biotechnology and research pharmaceutical companies, such as Abbott, Bayer, Glaxo-SmithKline, Merck and Pfizer. The main priority of PhRMA is assuring safety in the available medications.
Pharmaceutical-Industry Info provides an alphabetical listing of pharmaceutical companies, with information about current projects, products and services. also offers a list of companies in the United States, including contact information, stock quotes and medications supplied. An international section provides information on medications outside the United States.
Generic drugs are often manufactured by the same companies that provide brand-name medications and are just as effective. They include the same ingredients and approved by the Food and Drug Administration for strength and safety, but offered at a much lower cost than brand name drugs. The Generic Pharmaceutical Association is an organization that represents companies that manufacture and distribute generic drugs and pharmaceutical products.