Enzara Side Effects
Bacterial Vaginosis
Bacterial vaginosis is caused by an overgrowth of a bacteria, Gardnerella vaginalis, which is normally present in the vagina. Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis, the most common of vaginal infections, include vaginal itching, rash, soreness, a grayish-white vaginal discharge, and an unpleasant odor that may become stronger following intercourse.
Enzara was a homeopathic product used to treat vaginal problems and infections such as bacterial vaginosis. The natural active ingredients in Enzara were intended to work not just to mask the odors but to get rid of the vaginal infection. Unlike most medications used to treat this type of infection, Enzara was taken orally in a capsule rather than applied topically.
The active ingredients in Enzara included lactobacillus acidophilus, neem bark extract, thiamin, riboflavin, deodorized garlic, vitamin B6, feminol, zinc and pantothenic acid.
Side Effects
Marketing efforts and testimonials stressed the absence of side effects for those who used Enzara.
Those claims, as well as assertions concerning the effects of Enzara, have not been evaluated by the FDA. A disclaimer accompanying marketing efforts noted, "These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."
Whether Enzara remains in production as of July 2010 is the subject of conflicting reports. The purported website of the manufacturer, Selmedica Healthcare, provides an informational link for Enzara on its website, but it leads only to additional sponsored links and provides no way to purchase Enzara. Websites on which Enzara is reported to be no longer in production, including bvrelief.com, provide links to alternative products that might be considered competitors of Enzara if it is still available. The website of each such product, in turn, includes the "FDA Required Legal Disclaimer" noting that the products have not been evaluated by the FDA.