Supartz Injection & Joint Pain
Osteoarthritis Joint Pain
Osteoarthritis is a painful condition affecting the joints that leads to damage to the cartilage, damage to the bones and inflammation of the joint. Cartilage is the smooth substance that lines the joints and allows them to move without friction. In healthy individuals, hyaluronic acid in the synovial fluid serves to lubricate the joint and acts as a very effective shock absorber. In osteoarthritis, there is a decrease in the ability of the synovial fluid to lubricate the joint effectively and its shock-absorbing abilities are reduced. The result is an increase in friction between the bones of the joint, an increase in damage to the joint and an increase in pain and inflammation.
Effect of Supartz
Supartz replaces the lost fluid leading to a decrease in pain, inflammation, a reduction in the wear and tear on the joint and an increase in joint function. Patients receiving the therapy are likely to see some improvement after two to three weeks and, according to, and likely to be relatively pain-free after five weeks of treatment. The benefits have been reported to last for up to 12 months after the treatment has been completed, and most pain during that time is manageable with over-the-counter medications. Supartz has also been reported to delay joint replacements.
Supartz is given as a 25mg injection directly into the joint once a week for five weeks.
According to the patient information leaflet , Supartz is only to be used if osteoarthritis symptoms are not relieved by pain-killing medication, physiotherapy and exercise.
Do not use Supartz if you are allergic to any bird products including feathers, eggs and poultry; if you have had a previous allergic reaction to Supartz or any hyalan products; or if you have a skin disease or infection at the site of the injection.
Do not use if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. According to the patient information leaflet, the safety and effectiveness of Supartz has not been established in this group. The same applies for children.
Side effects
The most common side effects reported were headache and joint pain. The same results occurred in patients treated with saline solution as a placebo.