Side Effects of Blakoe

Currently, it would be a difficult task to avoid seeing commercials, reading ads or hearing about the latest medication or treatment for erectile dysfunction. The market for these treatments and drugs is huge, and the money to be made is endless as most insurance companies will not cover erectile dysfunction. The problem with the medications, however, is that most medications cannot be taken by those with cardiac issues. One solution is the Blakoe ring.
  1. What is the Blakoe Ring?

    • The Blakoe Ring, manufactured by Matthews & Wilson, Ltd., offers an option to male impotence that nothing else does. On their website, the manufacturer states that the ring is activated by the electrical currents created by simply moving your body. The Blakoe Ring is worn at the base of the penis and includes the testicles as well. The manufacturer states that the ring is safe enough to be worn around the clock, although many prefer to use it during intercourse only.

    Mechanism of Action

    • The Blakoe ring works by copper and zinc electrical "conductors" working with the typically damp skin of the penis and testicles to create impulses which not only help with erections but with semen volume, production of testosterone and an increase in well being and self-esteem. Although the ring does seem to help many who use it, the newer, oral medications that can be taken are outselling it worldwide. There are, however, some people who use the ring exclusively, and in doing so, have kept it alive.

    Side Effects

    • All research conducted on the Blakoe Ring leads to the bold statement that it causes no side effects whatsoever. The ring is drug free and therefore, evades any type of medicine related side effects. It does not, however, provide the comfort that it boasts for all. Some report that it is uncomfortable to wear and results in irritated skin which can become troublesome. If this happens, remove the ring immediately and try wearing it for a shorter period of time.

    Lack of Side Effects

    • As previously mentioned, other than discomfort that was only experienced by very few, the Blakoe Ring has no reports of side effects in its over 50 years in use. The newer impotence medications carry with them a high number of side effects that, for cardiac patients, preclude them as a treatment option. The most important side effect of the Blakoe is its lack of them. For many men, the Blakoe is the only alternative as even herbal remedies for impotence have side effects that can be life threatening for some people.


    • If you experience erectile dysfunction, low sperm count or testosterone levels, the Blakoe may be the ideal thing for you. It is extremely well tolerated by most and works to increase sperm count, testosterone levels and ultimately, well-being and self-esteem. The ring is also being reproduced by other companies that state that their ring is more advanced and capable of providing even more positive influences on these areas.

      Even though there are no known side effects other than skin irritation, before beginning the Blakoe or another ring like it, check with your physician to assure you will not be putting yourself in any danger.

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