What Is Fractionated Heparin?
LMWH is used in the treatment of acute coronary syndromes, deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, as well as in the prevention of venous thromboembolism in high-risk populations.
LMWH is available as a solution, in varying concentrations, in both prefilled syringes and multiple-dose vials. It is given in fixed or weight-based doses, most often once daily, by subcutaneous injection. LMWH is suitable for acute or long-term use, and it is appropriate for both inpatient and outpatient administration.
Mechanism of action
LMWH produces its anticoagulant effect by binding to antithrombin and inhibiting the activity of blood coagulation factors. Primarily, LMWH inactivates factor Xa.
Adverse Effects
Bleeding is the most common adverse effect associated with LMWH. The incidence of bleeding, however, is less than 5% for most LMWH products. Due to the low risk of bleeding and the predictable anticoagulant effects of LMWH, routine laboratory monitoring is not necessary. Signs or symptoms of bleeding should be reported to a healthcare provider immediately.
Related Compounds
LMWH is a smaller compound than unfractionated heparin. LMWH has a longer duration of action, produces a more predictable anticoagulant response in patients, and is less likely to cause serious adverse reactions compared with unfractionated heparin.
Product Comparison
Several LMWH products are available, including dalteparin, nadroparin, enoxaparin and tinzaparin. LMWH products are manufactured using different processes for breaking apart unfractionated heparin, yielding final products that differ in size and in chemical and physical properties. All LMWH products are similar in their mechanism of action, safety and effectiveness.