Is Seroquel a Controlled Substance?
The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) has the authority to control drugs that have a significant potential for abuse, such as narcotics. The DEA does not list Seroquel on its controlled substance schedules.
No Prescribing Regulation
Since Seroquel isn't a controlled substance, the doctor does not need to follow special prescribing regulations, such as using a triplicate prescription pad.
Potential for Abuse
Seroquel is not a safe drug for people who are prone to drug addiction. An article in the July 13, 2009 edition of The Boston Globe describes how Seroquel is being abused by people who want a powerful sleeping pill.
Street Names
Seroquel, known on the street as Suzie Q and Squirrel, is more psychologically addictive than physically addictive. Drug dealers are making a lot of money selling the drug to drug addicts or ex-prisoners who got used to its effects when they obtained it legally for anxiety.
Expert Insight
According to The Boston Globe, Nancy Coffey, Division Program Manager for the DEA in New England, says her agency does not monitor potential abuse of Seroquel, because it is not a controlled substance.