The Best Way to Convert Finaplix
Acquire the Necessary Equipment
Make sure you have all the equipment and supplies needed to complete the process before getting started. You can get Finaplix-H in 10 or 100 dose packages from pet supply websites. (The process explained here calls for the 100-dose supply.)
You will also need USP grade sesame oil, a 50-50 solution of benzyl alcohol and benzyl benzoate to dissolve the Finaplix pellets, two 50cc vials, a stopper-topped sterile 50cc vial, a 10cc push tube, two 18 gauge x 1.5-inch needles, and a .045 (45 micron) Whatman filter.
You can buy all of the equipment listed above from an established scientific supply company. Some websites sell a “conversion kit” that provides everything needed except the Finaplix-H.
Sterilize Your Workplace
Most drugstores sell a 95 percent solution of isopropyl rubbing alcohol. Use this and cotton swabs to wipe down and sterilize all of the equipment. Use the alcohol and paper towels to clean your work area, including the stovetop.
The Conversion Process
Begin converting the Finaplix-H by separating the trenbolone acetate in the pellets from the binding chemicals used to hold the pellets together. To do this, crush the pellets and then place them for two hours in a vial with 10 ml of the 50-50 solution of benzyl alcohol and benzyl benzoate. You can speed this process up by placing the vial in a pan of hot water.
Next, set aside 5 cc of your sesame oil, then add the remaining amount to the mixture of dissolving solution and crushed pellets. Let this mixture to sit for two hours. Afterward, you should see a clear separation between the binding chemicals and the dissolved Finaplix-H. If you don’t, let it sit longer.
Use the 10cc push tube to suck up the oil-pellet mixture, taking care not to draw any of the binding materials into the tube. (Leave them at the bottom of the vial and discard it.) Thread one of the 18-gauge needles into the rubber stopper of the sterile vial. Then attach one of the 18-gauge needles to the end of the Whatman filter. Attach the other side of the Whatman filter to the 10cc push tube.
Then thread the needle end connected to the Whatman filter into the stopper of the sterile vial. Push slowly and gently on the plunger of the push tube. This will force the liquid through the Whatman filter and clear out any microscopic impurities.
After you have emptied the push tube, add the remaining sesame oil. Then push the oil through the Whatman filter and into the sterile vial. (This will clear any remaining Finaplix mixture from the filter itself.)