What Is a Winged Infusion Set?
Manufacturers have developed a wide range of winged infusion sets with plastic wings that are more or less flexible. Health care providers pick the right set for specific situations.
Infusion sets with more flexible wings are generally more comfortable for patients, since the wings bend to conform to the patient’s arm or hand shape. Flexible wings allow the patient to move without dislodging the needle.
Some manufacturers, such as Myco Medical, color code the wings in their infusion sets to match the gauge or size of the opening in the attached needle. In the Myco product line, for example, a beige wing indicates a 19-gauge needle while an orange one represents a larger 25-gauge needle.
When a nurse or other health care provider is looking at an IV line that was previously inserted, the color-coded wing tells her how big the inside of the IV line is. Some drugs and blood products require a large gauge system, so the color coding lets her know whether this line will work in a particular situation.
Winged infusion systems can be more securely fastened to the patient’s skin and are more difficult to dislodge than those without wings.