How to Get Back to Normal After Chantix
Report any unpleasant side effects you experience after going off Chantix to your doctor. While most side effects from Chantix are mild, severe skin reactions and suicidal thoughts can be life-threatening. Your doctor can monitor your condition and offer advice and treatment options for any severe side effects.
Talk with your doctor about weaning you off Chantix slowly to limit withdrawal symptoms, such as irritability and trouble sleeping. Stopping Chantix suddenly can lead to withdrawal symptoms since the medication binds to nicotine receptors in the brain.
Use relaxation techniques to help minimize feelings of anxiety and irritability when going off Chantix. Try deep breathing and stretching exercises to help relax your body and mind. Consider signing up for a yoga class or meditation seminar to help you learn new ways to relax and ease anxiety.
Stay focused on the reasons you had for quitting smoking with the help of Chantix. It is normal to feel the urge to smoke if you experience withdrawal symptoms or unpleasant side effects after stopping Chantix. By reminding yourself why you quit smoking in the first place, you will be less likely to light up again.
Enlist the support of your family and friends when you decide to go off Chantix. Let them know that you may experience some withdrawal symptoms and mood changes so that they can offer emotional support.
Reward yourself for a job well done. If you have successfully quit smoking on Chantix, treat yourself to a shopping trip, a dinner out with friends or even just a relaxing night at home. Indulging as a reward for your hard work can help you feel more like your normal self and take your mind off any unpleasant feelings you may be having for awhile.